Go Toll
Beware the Toll Troll
Helping America simplify the experience of toll roads - by helping them to download one simple app.
Nobody is happy going through tolls. They take forever. You fumble with your cash or credit card. It just makes you grumpy. Dare we say it can turn you into a bit of a troll. We wanted to show the physical embodiment of that feeling. Enter Lou, the toll troll that shows firsthand how frustrating tolls can be.
We launched a paid social campaign to bring awareness to the hassles of using tolls without GoToll, and Lou helped make that vision a reality. He connected with our audience emotionally resulting in increased installs. No one can be grumpy at that.
“Get GoToll and sail through… so I don’t have to talk to anyone.”

Lou was designed from scratch, including his 'lovable' personality.
We created a series of Lou-related content for YouTube and Facebook interrupting you in your daily scroll, like you would him at his toll booth.
So far he's proving to be a great ambassador for the app.
He also won a Clio!