
Thrill your gut

Find Your Perfect Pairing So Your Gut Can Feel The Healthy. Love The Kombucha. Be The Happy.

Health-Ade has your gut’s best interests in mind. It’s your snacking sidekick, your plus one at every meal. There cheering you along one delicious bite and sip at a time.

We wanted to bring that experience to life with health-ade as your inner voice of YASSSS!!!! – to all the things - the snacky things, the refreshing things, the real fruit flavoured things, and the effervescent bubbly things that make us feel good from the inside out.

So grab a bottle or can or both and…


Enter A Portal To A Different Dimension…

A Dimension Of Real Fruit Juice.
A Dimension Of Gut Healthy Vibes.
You’ve Just Crossed Over Into Your Gut.
A Flavourful World Bursting With A Message As Informative As It Is Thrilling.

Oh yes, this kombucha flavour genie is outta the bottle and there’s no putting it back in.

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Because we kombucha fancy like that.


Sandbox VR // Campaign


GoToll // Campaign